Getting Started

Who can get a car loan?

We make affordable car loans in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina and Texas. Your monthly take-home pay needs to be $1,800 or more. Does this sound like you? Get started here .

Will I automatically be disqualified for weak or no credit?

Absolutely not! We take your credit score into account, but that's not all we look at. We get to know you to determine whether or not you will qualify for a car loan.

Does On The Road Lending give away cars?

No, that's not how we work. Our loan fund provides affordable loans for as low as 9.75%. Like any other loan, this requires a payment each month. Our goal is to help you lead a happier, healthier life through car ownership.

What is the maximum car payment that I can qualify for?

If everything else is approved, typically 15% of your net income is the highest amount that you can qualify for in our program. However, all applications are unique and each applicant works with a coach and underwriter to determine the best solution.

What other costs should I consider when buying a car?

Beyond the cost of your vehicle at the dealership, there are many other hidden costs of car ownership. We have a brief description of them here .


Does On the Road Lending refinance cars?

We typically refinance vehicles that are three years old or newer with less than 60,000 miles. We take into consideration how much is owed on the vehicle in comparison to the value of the vehicle. If you have a high-interest loan, and your loan amount is close to the value of your vehicle, you should consider this option. If you owe significantly more on your vehicle than its current trade in value, you have what's called negative equity. This is commonly referred to as being upside down in the loan. If your vehicle is worth much less than you owe on it, trading it in can be costly and you need to carefully consider all your options.

How does character-based lending work?

We realize that a credit score only tells part of your story. Unexpected life events, health issues and other problems can hurt your credit score. That's why we examine other factors to determine whether or not you are a fit for our program. We want to know who you are and what you're working hard to become.

Are there fees associated with the program?

There is no application fee, but there are fees associated with GPS tracking. We also require you to secure gap insurance and a warranty.

How does On The Road Lending keep my interest rate low?

People in our community have invested money in our loan fund to make a positive social impact and are willing to take a lower return on their money for the greater good.

How does On The Road Lending help me get a car loan?

Our staff is knowledgeable about car selection and has relationships with car dealers who support our program. We negotiate for you in advance with dealers to get our clients into vehicles that are reliable, fuel-efficient and under warranty.


What's the vehicle selection process?

Watch our video and walk through the process.

What kind of vehicles are offered?

The most important thing is to find the right vehicle for your needs based on family size, lifestyle and budget. We make sure you don't get into a vehicle that you can't afford. View this list to see the types of vehicles our clients typically purchase.

What should I know before I test drive a car?

Take this checklist with you when you test drive a car.

What is the insurance requirement?

There are several types of insurance, and this guide with help you understand the differences in each.

What happens after I get a car?

We stand by our clients for the entirety of their loans. We are here to support and encourage you every step of the way so that you make your payments on time and improve your credit.

Have any questions we didn't answer here? Feel free to send them to .