Now making loans in Kentucky and North Carolina!

At On the Road Companies, our mission is to drive economic prosperity and enhance financial stability within our communities. Our specialty programs are designed to provide targeted support and resources to individuals and families, empowering them to achieve economic mobility and independence. By addressing specific needs and challenges, these programs offer innovative solutions and tailored assistance, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Join us in our movement towards economic prosperity and discover how our specialty programs can make a difference in your life. Explore our various initiatives below and see how we are working to create a more equitable and financially secure future for all.

  1. Nationwide organization offering workforce pathways for marginalized and underrepresented persons (both youth and working adults) through Pre-Apprenticeships, Registered Apprenticeships, and Customized Training in Advanced Automotive Technology.
  2. Program areas:
    • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Calibration
    • Diagnostics and Sensor Calibration in Autonomous Vehicle Technology
    • Mechatronics
    • Collision Repair - Body Technician, Refinish Specialist, Repair Planner
    • Electric Vehicle Repair
  3. Future offerings in:
    • Industrial Design
    • Additive Manufacturing
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Blockchain Technology
    • Telematics

Interested parties should contact: Adam Newberry,

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