Staff Notes: Never Give Up

My seven-year old daughter loves to sing and perform songs in front of her imaginary audience. One of her made up songs is called Never Give Up. Her passion for the lyrics and how often she sings those words keeps it repeating in my head. It lifts me up and encourages me to keep going and not be deterred when I’m down.

Our clients at On the Road Lending live the mantra of Never Give Up—no matter the circumstances, trauma or uphill battle. Recently a new client from the Houston area told me that she was declined by us last year. She admitted that she had not been financially ready when she first applied. But she didn’t give up and heeded the advice of her financial coach, tracked her spending through the Mint app, followed her budget, and changed her overall approach to her finances. A year later, not deterred, she has been approved and is driving a 2020 Kia Optima. In her words, “I am continuously making improvements each day with my finances. I know I am on a better road than I was a year or two ago.”

Sometimes it’s difficult to see a road out of despair when we’re in the midst of the storm, whatever that may be. But like our client from Houston and many others and as my daughter’s song rings in my head … never give up, keep trying and you’ll find a way.

Give us a chance to, in the words of our COO, “do what we do” and help provide you or someone you know with the keys to success.